Newborn bedded with care
optimal security and care for Infants
Starting life in a wonderful way
The birth of their child is one of the most emotional moments in life for becoming parents. It even brings a great amount of joy to everyone else responsible around them.
To ensure the well-being of the newborns, clinics always strive for better standards in quality. This proves to be a challenge as the market supply does not meet their demands.
This is where MPS Care comes in – we specially designed and are producing bedding for baby cribs and bedsteads which meet all the existing norms and standards regarding technique, material and hygiene.
Causes for concern:
Hygiene, transport and storage
The most important aspect of a sterile environment is hygiene. Wooden bedsteads are not sanitary and simply a 'no-go'. These cribs are not certified medical devices and have to be stored separately due to fire safety regulations.
Bedsteads constructed out of metal are just as unsuitable as those can form rust and cannot be cleaned by machine. According to the hospital's association in Germany (Deutsche Krankenhausgesellschaft), over 70 percent of newborns have been infected, numbers rising.
Furthermore, both wooden and metal cribs are not approved for transport or, in case of emergency, evacuation.
Newborn's and infant's cribs from MPS Care -
Perfection down to the last detail.
Infant beds from MPS Care have been specially developed for use in hospitals. The beds are designed
• for newborns and infants up to six months or until the start of mobility and
• for a body size up to 70 cm
Essential product features:
• Newborn and infant beds from MPS Care -
• are machine washable
• are in compliance with DIN 32623 (Hospital children's cots made from metal and plastic- Safety requirements and testing) and fire safety regulations
• n compliance with fire safety regulations
• medical devices with the highest standards when it comes to technical safety, hygiene and quality
• sustainable and sparing in resources due to an exceptionally long operational lifespan of 30 years of more
• one hundred percent recyclable
• technically absolutely safe
• patented, custom-built spring-mounted lying surface
• suitable for transport, examination and evacuation
• do not need separate storage rooms
• fulfil high hygiene standards
• five year warranty
• only require maintenance once a year (instead of four times a year compared to other cribs)

A medical device
Made in Germany.

Patented suspension
The lying surface of the baby crib is spring-mounted with a patented suspension mechanism. This guarantees a high level of comfort, even during transport, and prevents vibrations.